Our office provides professional transcripts, which are easy to read and unbind. We also offer condensed transcripts, RealLegal E-Transcript, CDs, PDFs and ASCIIs as well as videographer and translator scheduling.
We confirm all depositions by telephone the day before.
Transcript Options
Daily copy
Rough draft
Condensed transcript
RealLegal E-Transcript
Technology Solutions
Videographer scheduling
Telephonic depositions
Other Services
Complimentary conference room
Translator scheduling
Document copying
Notary Public
Free E-Transcript Viewer
E-Transcriptâ„¢ files are 100% tamperproof. When you copy a short excerpt of the transcript into a motion or other document, the page and line citations are automatically included.
E-Transcript files open in a free viewer that is specifically designed for transcripts. We can embed the E-Transcript Viewer with your transcript, but we suggest that you download the free viewer to your computer. Every E-Transcript we send you will automatically open in the viewer.
You can get the free download from: Thomson Reuters
The E-Transcript Viewer includes a word index with every word hyperlinked to every occurrence in the transcript. You can run quick searches of any keyword and jump directly to that location in the transcript. Our firm can even enable you to print the transcript and word index. You can choose to print 1:1, meaning one transcript page appears on each printed page, or you can choose to print up to 16 transcript pages per printed page.